[mou] Guidelines

Kelly Larson larson@redwing.net
Wed, 24 Mar 2004 19:37:03 -0600

Thank you Mike!
    If it were not for the postings I read here daily I would not be
able to engage my customers, radio audience or area visitors about
current birding opportunities. Many times these postings give me the
opening I need to: 1. encourage greater interest in birding, 2. develop
appreciation of bird biology and behavior and 3. help people make the
connection between birds and conservation issues on a local and global
    If we don't do everything we can to make birding fun, easy, and
interesting for the folks who come to us as novices then how do we
expect these people to develop a lasting passion and concern? I have had
an interest in birds since I was 6 years old. I could bore the pants off
of most adults by the time I was 12 with all my "bird talk". When I
found this list I was intimidated by the technical aspects of some of
the discourse as well as some of the ID challenges that surfaced. I
stick with it because I find many of the daily "phenology" postings
helpful educational tools. Also, some of you are truly humorous and I
enjoy your writing.
    I understand that the issues that Mike and I have raised are not
primary MOU concerns. I think the question is: Should they be?

Kelly Larson
Feathered Friend Wild Bird Store
3rd Annual Great River Birding Festival
2nd Annual Great River Morel Festival
2nd Annual Great River Eagle Spot Festival
Red Wing, MN

The 3rd Annual Great River Birding Festival Is Coming...
Hosted by Wabasha, MN on May 14-15-16 2004.

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