[mou] Eagelet Feed - Dakota County

Farrel Graves bgraves@usfamily.net
Sat, 1 May 2004 12:09:51 -0500

North of the river, a little east of the Black Dog power plant, maybe 300 to
400 hundred yards from the road is an Eagle nest.Yesterday afternoon my wife
and I were able to see the mom (with a scope) feed her baby. You can only
see the parents with binoculars. When we first arrived both Eagles were on
the edge of the nest. I think they just finished feeding because the young
one got sleepy really fast. One of the Eagles flew off and I saw it soaring
a couple times after that. Would the dad go get food and the mom stay with
the nest? Any way my wife thought she saw movement of possibly a second
infant. I never saw it. This morning I went back. Watched as the little one
was fed again (only 1 parent). It takes a pretty good scope.

My wife and I also watched a Great Horned owl, from the middle of Feb.until
a couple weeks ago. She was constantly on her nest. I was told her eggs
should have hatched around the first of March. Someone else told me she
would throw out bad eggs, mate again and lay more eggs. I have been hoping
to see those babies, but haven't even seen her on the nest for the last
couple of weeks and no babies. That nest is on the right of the bike trail
that starts under the Cedar Ave. bridge from Black Dog road. A couple
hundred feet in on the path and South across the pool of water.

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