[mou] snow bunting, Cook Co.

Jim & Carol Tveekrem jotcat@boreal.org
Sat, 1 May 2004 14:28:34 -0500

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Lone Snow Bunting, probably female, seen in Schroeder near Cross River =
late this morning.  Past few days have brought in Ruby-crowned Kinglets, =
another small flock of Juncos (large flocks left several days ago), =
E.Meadowlark (based on large amount of white in tail - bird not =
singing); Chipping Sparrow; Swamp Sparrow, Common Flicker, =
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.  Song Sparrows are singing on territories.  =
Almost daily lake winds keeping birds away from the shore - no warblers =
or thrushes yet.  A pair of Hooded Mergansers were on an old beaver pond =
on the Sugarloaf Rd. during the week, and 3 American Mergansers on a =
gravel pit pond near Cramer Rd.

Jim & Carol Tveekrem

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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Lone Snow Bunting, probably female, =
seen in=20
Schroeder near Cross River late this morning.&nbsp; Past&nbsp;few days =
brought in Ruby-crowned Kinglets, another small flock of Juncos (large =
left several days ago), E.Meadowlark (based on large amount of white in =
tail -=20
bird not singing); Chipping Sparrow; Swamp Sparrow, Common Flicker,=20
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker.&nbsp; Song Sparrows are singing on =
Almost daily lake winds keeping birds away from the shore - no warblers =
thrushes&nbsp;yet.&nbsp; A pair of Hooded Mergansers were on an old =
beaver pond=20
on the Sugarloaf Rd.&nbsp;during the week, and 3 American Mergansers on =
a gravel=20
pit pond near Cramer Rd.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Jim &amp; Carol =
