[mou] IMBD event at Rice Lake NWR

Michelle_McDowell@fws.gov Michelle_McDowell@fws.gov
Mon, 3 May 2004 11:58:31 -0500

Please join us. If you have any questions, please call Michelle McDowel=
l at
(218) 768-2402.

P.S.  LeConte's sparrows, ovenbirds, veerys and American goldfinchs hav=
made it back to Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuge!

Enjoy the Birds of Spring

Bird watchers of all ages are invited to visit the Rice Lake National
Wildlife Refuge on Saturday, May 15, 2004 to celebrate International
Migratory Bird Day (IMBD). The Refuge Headquarters and Visitor Center,
located five miles south of McGregor on Highway 65, will be open from 7=
a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Visitors will receive the 2004 IMBD poster and can
register to win an IMBD t-shirt. The Bee-Nay-She Council Bird Club invi=
the public to join them for a birding tour on the refuge beginning at 8=
a.m. A second guided tour led by Refuge Biologist Michelle McDowell wil=
begin at 1:00 p.m. Beginning birders can borrow binoculars and birding
guides from the Refuge Headquarters. The birding tours will combine hik=
and driving, participants should dress appropriately for the weather. T=
will be canceled if there are heavy rain showers. The refuge "west gate=
will also be open throughout the weekend to accommodate those visitors =
wish to make the full McGregor loop. The Wildlife Drive is open sunrise=
sunset. As always, all events are free of charge and there is no entran=
fee. Help us celebrate the return of the spring and migratory birds at =
National Wildlife Refuge.