[mou] King Rail search update

fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us
Tue, 4 May 2004 15:04:23 -0600

A while back, the status of King Rail generated a lot of discussion on this
list serve.  In an effort to work toward a harmoneous resolution to some of
that dissent, I suggested we (birders) do an organized search for this
species to help identify how common or uncommon it is.  It was/is my intent
to provide both a survey protocol and recording document to accomplish this

I wanted to review the two primary existing marsh bird survey methods prior
to establishing our search protocol.  Unfortunately, this process took
longer than I expected.  After evaluating the time frame needed to create
documents and disseminate information, I decided it could not be done in a
satisfactory manner this spring/summer.

Therefore, in the short term, I encourage all birders who are actively
looking for King Rail to record the time they spend doing so and the
location of their search.  Please e-mail this information to me in a timely
manner.  Of course, should anyone actually encounter this species, they
should share their findings with the entire birding community, provided it
does not compromise the well being of the bird/s.  Also, ALL SIGHTINGS
SHOULD BE EXTREMELY WELL DOCUMENTED with photographs, audio recordings,
sketches or confirmation by other birders.

You will hear more about the King Rail search protocol later, when some
things get ironed out.   I thank everyone for their patience.

Randy Frederickson