[mou] Wood Lake

Matthew Bribitzer-Stull mpbs@umn.edu
Thu, 06 May 2004 10:56:56 -0500

Had a great morning at Wood Lake today. With some help from Connie 
Brunnell (sp?) and Leslie Marcus, I was able to find 14 warbler species 
as well as many other good birds (including a Virginia Rail foraging out 
in plain view).

Warblers: Yellow-rumped, Black-and-white, Black-throated Green, 
Orange-crowned, Nashville, Tennessee, Parula, N. Waterthrush, Palm, 
Wilson's, Redstart, Yellow, Ovenbird, and a surprise singing 
Golden-winged in the NE part of the nature center.

Sparrows: Chipping, Clay-colored, Lincoln's, Swamp, Song

Vireos: Blue-headed, Warbling

Others: Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Northern Oriole, Least Flycatcher, 
Swainson's Thrush, Great Egret, Virginia Rail, plus many others.



Matthew Bribitzer-Stull
Assistant Professor of Music Theory
University of Minnesota