[mou] Wood Lake Nat. Center warblers/Richfield

Houghton, Timothy D. tdhoughton@stcloudstate.edu
Wed, 12 May 2004 17:14:54 -0500

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Despite the poor lighting and too much wind at times, there were =
warblers to be had this morning, and the rain stayed away! Quite a few =
nice pockets developed. The nicest find, and pretty early I think for =
migration, was a Mourning Warbler (seen and heard). Other warblers: =
Golden-Winged, Tennessee, Orange-Crowned, Nashville, Chestnut-Sided, =
Magnolia, Yellow-Rumped, Black-and-White, Blackburnian, Black-Throated =
Green, Palm, Yellow, Wilson's, Ovenbird, No. Waterthrush, C. =
Yellowthroat, and Redstart. If I cheat a bit and add the Cape May and =
Bay-Breasted that other birders saw this morning, that reaches the magic =
number of 20!

What a wonderful place this Wood Lake Nature Center is, just beautiful =
for walking or birding.

Tim Houghton =20

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<TITLE>Wood Lake Nat. Center warblers/Richfield</TITLE>
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<P><FONT SIZE=3D2>Despite the poor lighting and too much wind at times, =
there were warblers to be had this morning, and the rain stayed away! =
Quite a few nice pockets developed. The nicest find, and pretty early I =
think for migration, was a Mourning Warbler (seen and heard). Other =
warblers: Golden-Winged, Tennessee, Orange-Crowned, Nashville, =
Chestnut-Sided, Magnolia, Yellow-Rumped, Black-and-White, Blackburnian, =
Black-Throated Green, Palm, Yellow, Wilson's, Ovenbird, No. Waterthrush, =
C. Yellowthroat, and Redstart. If I cheat a bit and add the Cape May and =
Bay-Breasted that other birders saw this morning, that reaches the magic =
number of 20!<BR>
What a wonderful place this Wood Lake Nature Center is, just beautiful =
for walking or birding.<BR>
Tim Houghton&nbsp; </FONT>
