[mou] ID.. Hooded Oriole -Prior Lake High School scott co.

sharrie slafleur@mchsi.com
Sat, 15 May 2004 07:25:51 -0700

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Well i just had to go back and see if i could find this bird again... =
and finally did yesterday morning...not just one but two...hooded =
orioles...the sun must of been hitting it just right to make it look =
orange or do they vary in color, but these definitely had yellow heads.. =
also, on my route these is an elderly woman with alot of feeders and i =
noticed the oranges, so for the last week i have been watching for a =
balitmore oriole, and finally friday on my way home from my last drop =
off of the day... i spotted one...a male... they are so cool looking.. =
she also had some of the fattest looking mourning doves i have ever =
seen.. is there a different type i dont know about ...i swear they are =
double the ones in my yard... if anyone is interested ..i saw the cleary =
opsrey babies yesterday... through binocs..i am positive there are two, =
maybe another, one of the parents was there feeding..

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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Well i just had to go back and see if i could =
find this=20
bird again... and finally did yesterday morning...not just one but =
orioles...the sun must of been hitting it just right to make it look =
orange or=20
do they vary in color, but these definitely had yellow heads.. also, on =
my route=20
these is an elderly woman with alot of feeders and i noticed the =
oranges, so for=20
the last week i have been watching for a&nbsp;balitmore oriole, and =
friday on my way home from my last drop off of the day... i spotted =
male...&nbsp;they are so cool looking.. she also had some of the fattest =
mourning doves i have ever seen.. is there a different type i dont know =
...i swear they are double the ones in my yard...</FONT><FONT=20
face=3DArial>&nbsp;if anyone is interested ..i saw the =
cleary&nbsp;opsrey babies=20
yesterday... through binocs..i am positive there are two, maybe another, =
one of=20
the parents was there feeding..</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>sharrie...</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV></BODY></HTML>
