[mou] Summer Tanager in Scott County

Bob Dunlap rmdbird@mn.rr.com
Sat, 15 May 2004 11:09:17 -0500

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This morning my dad and I found a singing adult male Summer Tanager at =
Murphy-Hanrehan Park in Scott County.  To get there, park along the road =
near marker 14 and hike east to marker 15.  There will be a crossing of =
trails here, and take the trail to your right (this trail heads toward =
marker 16).  Hike about 100 yards past marker 15 on this trail, and you =
will come to a low spot with ponds and marsh on both sides of the trail =
bordered by stands of aspen and birch.  This is where we found the =
Summer Tanager.  The bird stayed pretty high up but offered great views. =
 This is where the male Summer Tanager nested with a female Scarlet last =
year, and this is probably the same bird.
-Bob Dunlap
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>This morning my dad and I found a =
singing adult=20
male Summer Tanager at Murphy-Hanrehan Park in Scott County.&nbsp; To =
get there,=20
park along the road near marker 14 and hike east to marker 15.&nbsp; =
There will=20
be a crossing of trails here, and take the trail to your right (this =
trail heads=20
toward marker 16).&nbsp; Hike about 100 yards past marker 15 on this =
trail, and=20
you will come to a low spot with ponds and marsh on both sides of the =
bordered by stands of aspen and birch.&nbsp; This is where we found the =
Tanager.&nbsp; The bird stayed pretty high up but offered great =
This is where the male Summer Tanager nested with a female Scarlet last =
and this is probably the same bird.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>-Bob Dunlap</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
