[mou] city biriding and Duluth question

Alex Cruz, Jr. acruzie@hotmail.com
Mon, 17 May 2004 11:46:58 -0700

Hi Birders:

Birded Father Hennepin Bluff park upstream of the stone arch on the 
Mississippi in Mpls this morning. Songbirds were everywhere:

17 species of warblers (often-times foraging on the ground or low in 
branches), including Blackburnian and many Cape May.

Olive-side Flycatcher, Philadelphia Vireos, and Scarlet Tanagers added to 
the 41 species seen in an hour and a half of birding.

Other interesting birds seen over last few days here were: Solitary 
Sandpiper, and Bay-breasted Warbler (male).

I am new from California and this sort of diversity blows me away!

I'll be up in Duluth this Saturday. I'd love advice of where to go birding.

Looking up,
Alex Cruz

I'm from Pacific Grove, CA--answer to the birder who asked me via email 
(which I accidentally deleted).

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