[mou] Hooded Warbler, Nicollet County

Chad Heins odunamis@yahoo.com
Sat, 22 May 2004 17:18:19 -0700 (PDT)

Hey birders!

Mankato Bird Club had their annual field trip to
Seven-Mile Creek County Park on Saturday.  The
warblers continue to put on a show at this park though
numbers have decreased in recent days.

Topping the list of 19 warblers was a Hooded Warbler
heard singing on Trail 1.  Take the trail head at the
picnic area furthest into the park (not over the
bridge).  The bird was singing upslope in an area of
mature maples (not much understory).

Other warblers: Blackburnian, Connecticut, Mourning
(several), Canada, Orange-crowned, Chestnut-sided, and

Other highlights include Black-billed Cuckoo and
Orchard Oriole.

Happy birding!

Chad Heins
Mankato, MN

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