[mou] Where are the juncos?

aabier aabier@earthlink.net
Tue, 25 May 2004 19:20:18 -0500

Where are the juncos?  This is the end of our third year here.  I think 
that the White-crowned Sparrows and Juncos arrive together in the 
spring then disappear, then come through together again in the fall on 
their way south.  This year we have a number of White-crowns, not a lot 
but always some.  The first one arrived 5/11.  I have seen exactly one 
Junco, on 5/14.   I haven't seen Juncos on my walks around the lake or 
the rest of the town either.  Any idea where they are?  We do have a 
lot of Chipping Sparrows, as always, lovely tiny little birdies.
And I saw another Pine Siskin today - are they usually gone by now?  
And I see there was a late redpoll somewhere this week, and a snow 
bunting - maybe they think it's still winter, feels like it anyway, 
surely not like late May.
Anne Bier