[mou] Where are the juncos?

Jim & Carol Tveekrem jotcat@boreal.org
Tue, 25 May 2004 22:47:28 -0500

Most of the juncos came through here (Schroeder, near the lake in Cook Co.)
last month, about the same time as the Fox Sparrows.  We had hundreds some
days.  By the time the White-throated and White-crowned sparrows showed up
in numbers, most of the juncos had left.  We still have one or two at our
feeders, but they may be nesting locally.  White-crowned sparrows seem to be
staying longer this year.  With the weather we've had, lots of lake wind and
rarely warmer than 50, lots of birds are hanging around the feeders.  We
have had at least three different Baltimore orioles eating fruit.  Wish they
would nest near here, but they seem to head inland or up to Canada.

Good wave of warblers today when the wind switched to southwest.  Mourning,
blackpoll, blackburnian, chestnut-sided, many redstarts.  I was trying to
work in the garden but kept getting distracted by birds.  Tough life.  Also
have a red-headed woodpecker hanging about, eight or so evening grosbeaks
today, a pair of rose-breasted grosbeaks remaining, one clay-colored
sparrow, one savannah sparrow.  Harris' and Lincoln's not seen since last
week.  Canada warbler here on Sunday.  Birch and aspens just getting leaves
here since Friday, days behind Grand Marais area and weeks behind Duluth.

Carol & Jim Tveekrem

----- Original Message -----
From: "aabier" <aabier@earthlink.net>
To: <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 7:20 PM
Subject: [mou] Where are the juncos?

| Where are the juncos?  This is the end of our third year here.  I think
| that the White-crowned Sparrows and Juncos arrive together in the
| spring then disappear, then come through together again in the fall on
| their way south.  This year we have a number of White-crowns, not a lot
| but always some.  The first one arrived 5/11.  I have seen exactly one
| Junco, on 5/14.   I haven't seen Juncos on my walks around the lake or
| the rest of the town either.  Any idea where they are?  We do have a
| lot of Chipping Sparrows, as always, lovely tiny little birdies.
| And I saw another Pine Siskin today - are they usually gone by now?
| And I see there was a late redpoll somewhere this week, and a snow
| bunting - maybe they think it's still winter, feels like it anyway,
| surely not like late May.
| Anne Bier
| Virginia
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