[mou] Duluth update Thursday AM

Peder Svingen psvingen@d.umn.edu
Thu, 27 May 2004 10:46:25 -0500 (CDT)

The passerine fallout predicted by Mike Hendrickson has indeed occurred,
with hundreds of warblers, dozens of vireos and flycatchers, and orioles
migrating at Park Point. Several people including Jim Mattsson and Denny
and Barb Martin have looked for the Black Vulture without success. The
search will continue this afternoon. Noteworthy sightings this morning:
Ross's Goose - adult with 2 Snow Geese at Interstate Island
Pacific Loon - lakeside SE of the airport at Park Point
Red-throated Loon - lakeside at 42nd Street
Black-bellied Plover - 2 on ballfields at Park Point
Piping Plover - one with Semipalmateds at Hearding Island
Whimbrel - eight on ballfields at Park Point
Ruddy Turnstone - Hearding and Interstate Islands, beach at Park Point
Red Knot - 2 found by Laura Erickson's group near seaplane dock, Park Pt.
Sanderling - multiple small flocks migrating at Park Point
Semipalmated Sandpipiers - with Sanderlings in multiple locations
Dunlin - ditto
Bonaparte's Gulls - only a few lingering
Common Tern - about 100 still in area
Black Terns - a few still present but down from peak of 75 on the 25th

Peder H. Svingen - psvingen@d.umn.edu - Duluth, MN