[mou] Black Throated Blue Warbler, Redheaded Woodpecker Cook County

Dory Spence dory21@juno.com
Thu, 27 May 2004 19:09:30 -0500

Today a friend and I took our annual wild flower hike to Oberg Mountain
It was very cloudy even sprinkled a little. The wild flowers were
spectacular and imagine the fun of looking at Blackburnian Warblers on
the ground, also Magnolias 5 or 6 of them,also on the ground and in low
bushes. singing in many places were N. Parulas,Black Throated Blue
Warblers and one appeared in a low Maple sapling. Also Oven Birds all
around,and BlackThroated Green Warblers.
We were surprised to see a Red Headed Woodpecker fly by and land in a
tree near us.
Last but not least a Moose with furry rack appeared on the trail 30feet
ahead of us as we were busy with birds and wildflowers
Dory Spence
Cook County

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