[mou] BBWP/Bemidji S.P.

Pat DeWenter hoocooks4you@yahoo.com
Sun, 30 May 2004 09:04:11 -0700 (PDT)

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I just realized I have been sending my MOU posts to the wrong address.  This is the second last one I posted to MnBird and tried sending to MOU-net.
A walk at Bemidji S.P. in Beltrami Co. this morning found us the following species among others:

   Black-backed Woodpecker - found on some snags just before the entrance to the boardwalk. 
   Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 
   Least Flycatcher 
   Eastern Kingbird 
   Eastern Phoebe 
   Eastern Wood Pewee 
   Red-breasted Nuthatch 
   Swainson's Thrush 
   Nashville Warblers - many 
   Chestnut-sided Warblers - plentiful 
   American Redstarts - more than plentiful 
   Black-throated Green Warblers 
   Yellow Warblers 
   Northern Parula 
   Magnolia Warblers - many 
   Yellow-rumped Warblers 
   Black and White Warblers- several 
   Common Yellowthroat - several 
   Wilson's Warbler 
   Ovenbird - several


Pat DeWenter
Bemidji/Beltrami Co.

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<DIV>I just realized I have been sending my MOU posts to the wrong address.&nbsp; This is the&nbsp;second last&nbsp;one I posted to MnBird and tried sending to MOU-net.</DIV>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 ?>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 ?>
<DIV>A walk at Bemidji S.P. in Beltrami Co. this morning found us the following species among others:</DIV>
<LI><STRONG>Black-backed Woodpecker - found on some snags just before the entrance to the boardwalk. </STRONG>
<LI>Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 
<LI>Least Flycatcher 
<LI>Eastern Kingbird 
<LI>Eastern Phoebe 
<LI>Eastern Wood Pewee 
<LI>Red-breasted Nuthatch 
<LI>Swainson's Thrush 
<LI>Nashville Warblers - many 
<LI>Chestnut-sided Warblers - plentiful 
<LI>American Redstarts - more than plentiful 
<LI>Black-throated Green Warblers 
<LI>Yellow Warblers 
<LI>Northern Parula 
<LI>Magnolia Warblers - many 
<LI>Yellow-rumped Warblers 
<LI>Black and White Warblers- several 
<LI>Common Yellowthroat - several 
<LI>Wilson's Warbler 
<LI>Ovenbird - several</LI></UL></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV>
<P>Pat DeWenter<BR>Bemidji/Beltrami Co.<BR><A href="mailto:hoocooks4you@yahoo.com">mailto:hoocooks4you@yahoo.com</A></P></DIV><p>
		<hr size=1><font face=arial size=-1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>Friends.  Fun. <a href="http://messenger.yahoo.com/">Try the all-new Yahoo! Messenger</a>