[mou] A Great Trip North

SFbirdclub@aol.com SFbirdclub@aol.com
Tue, 16 Nov 2004 23:52:11 EST

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A really heart-felt thanks to all who posted birds and who talked to me.

More driving is not needed for a few days--but it was most certainly worth 
every mile.

First, I wanted to report an Am. Three-toed Woodpecker in Sax/Zim just W of 
the railroad tracks on Kolu Rd. The bird was first seen on the road. It flew to 
a small tree to the S side of road--very close and pretty tame. It then flew 
across to the right side into a larger tree.

Also, being loquacious has rewards on occasion. The bartender at the hotel we 
stayed at and I got to talking about owls and he said his buddy and wife and 
her mother wanted to kill an owl that had eaten her cat. Oh, well, what idiots 
I thought. He said it just sat in their back yard and stared and it was pure 
white. One of the few birds which would be hard to mistake--even by amateurs I 

Long/short--he took me up to Lakewood Rd. somewhere (I don't know Duluth). 
There was indeed an adult Snowy Owl in their large back lot.

The Hawk Owls and Great Grays were all at the approx. sites previously 
listed. I will list if it is being tracked that closely. Pine Grosbeaks (2 small 
Flocks--one at a feeder at Stone Lake Rd.; 2nd on Owl Rd.--(thanks to the 
gentleman birder who recommended I try Owl Rd.)   WW Crossbills (3) on Owl Rd.; 
Boreal Chickadee--at Kim's spot on Owl Rd. in the book), Evening Grosbeaks (5) at 
feeders--Stone Lake Rd.; Redpolls--4 or 5 flocks w/ at least one Hoary (Stone 
Lake, but not at feeders); Trumpeter Swans (3-one juv.); Ruffed Grouse--Stone 
Lake Rd.--I walked past where drivable.

Hope others can locate 3-toed. 

Doug Chapman
Sioux Falls, SD

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><HTML><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Gen=
eva" FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" SIZE=3D"2">A really heart-felt thanks to all who p=
osted birds and who talked to me.<BR>
More driving is not needed for a few days--but it was most certainly worth e=
very mile.<BR>
First, I wanted to report an Am. Three-toed Woodpecker in Sax/Zim just W of=20=
the railroad tracks on Kolu Rd. The bird was first seen on the road. It flew=
 to a small tree to the S side of road--very close and pretty tame. It then=20=
flew across to the right side into a larger tree.<BR>
Also, being loquacious has rewards on occasion. The bartender at the hotel w=
e stayed at and I got to talking about owls and he said his buddy and wife a=
nd her mother wanted to kill an owl that had eaten her cat. Oh, well, what i=
diots I thought. He said it just sat in their back yard and stared and it wa=
s pure white. One of the few birds which would be hard to mistake--even by a=
mateurs I thought. <BR>
Long/short--he took me up to Lakewood Rd. somewhere (I don't know Duluth). T=
here was indeed an adult Snowy Owl in their large back lot.<BR>
The Hawk Owls and Great Grays were all at the approx. sites previously liste=
d. I will list if it is being tracked that closely. Pine Grosbeaks (2 small=20=
Flocks--one at a feeder at Stone Lake Rd.; 2nd on Owl Rd.--(thanks to the ge=
ntleman birder who recommended I try Owl Rd.)&nbsp;  WW Crossbills (3) on Ow=
l Rd.; Boreal Chickadee--at Kim's spot on Owl Rd. in the book), Evening Gros=
beaks (5) at feeders--Stone Lake Rd.; Redpolls--4 or 5 flocks w/ at least on=
e Hoary (Stone Lake, but not at feeders); Trumpeter Swans (3-one juv.); Ruff=
ed Grouse--Stone Lake Rd.--I walked past where drivable.<BR>
Hope others can locate 3-toed. <BR>
Doug Chapman<BR>
Sioux Falls, SD</FONT><FONT COLOR=3D"#000000" FACE=3D"Geneva" FAMILY=3D"SANS=
