[mou] wright county screech-owl

tpulles tpulles@gbronline.com
Wed, 17 Nov 2004 16:12:06 -0600

I was doing my college homework today at home when I heard,
through the windows, the blue jays calling and yelling at
something.  I thought it would be a screech-owl (or maybe
saw-whet), and I wasn't dissapointed.  It was a red morph
eastern screech-owl, and it sat in a cavity atop a huge,
tall maple tree "stump" next to our lake.  Unfortunately,
though, the blue jays must have harassed it a lot because it
was gone within a half hour.

Also recently in my yard I've had trumpeter swans, rusty
blackbirds, and pileated woodpeckers.

Keith Pulles, Wright County