[mou] Buff-breasted sandpipers, Dakota Co.

blake@milkweed.org blake@milkweed.org
Sat, 11 Sep 2004 19:48:47 -0500

Four buff-breasted sandpipers were found at Jirik's Sod Farm in Dakota 
County on Saturday afternoon.

Jirik's Sod Farm is on Dakota Co. Rd 79 about half a mile south of the 
intersection of CR 79 and CR 66. Look for a mailbox that reads "Jirik's 
Sod Farm." The sandpipers were working a bare area that had recently 
been cleared of sod, just fifty feet or so from the road.

Chip Blake

H. Emerson Blake
Editor in Chief / Milkweed Editions
1011 Washington Ave. South, Suite 300
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Direct line: 612.215.2551 / Fax: 612.215.2550
Web: http://www.milkweed.org