[mou] Peregrine Falcons, Dresbach, Winona Co. Nest Box Site

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Mon, 4 Apr 2005 14:15:17 -0700 (PDT)

Tim Collins, a LaCrosse birder, has reported PEFAs at
the Dresbach nest box above I90 between the Dresbach
Information Center near the west (Minn) end of the I90
bridge over the Miss. R. main channel, and the town of
Dresbach, MN. I was able to see both birds on and near
the box at 1:30 PM today, April 4.

This location is not readily viewed from I90, and it
is illegal to stop on the interstate. To view the box,
clearly visible from the east, one must walk the bike
trail parallel to I90 just below the highway and above
the RR tracks. Access the trail from the south at the
exit from the Minn. Information Center, where there is
limited parking just west of the RR bridge from the
Info Center. (Observe "No Parkng" signs.) Trail is
marked. Or park in the spacious Info Center lot, and
walk across the bridge to the trail. From the north,
access the trail from the northbound Dresbach exit,
turn hard right on "Secluded Rd." 100 yards to the
trail entrance. From either the south or the north
entrances, the walk is about the same, roughly 1.1
miles or 3000 paces to reach a point due east of the
box. (Twenty to 25 minute walk, depending on how gimpy
you are.)Of course, it is viewable before one reaches
that point. Also, there is no southbound exit to the
Dresbach Info Center. There is an exit to Dresbach
coming south on Hwy 35 from Winona, near the entrance
to I90. I am not attempting to describe it.

This location is on the second bluff facing the River
north of the Info Center. It is clearly visible even
without stopping on I90, and a few hundred feet north
of a large I90 sign (white letters on green
background) announcing (silently) "Dresbach 1.5
mi,/Winona Exit 4 mi/Albert Lea 114."

You could also bike the trail.

Last year, Tim reported PEFAs at this location, but
when I checked them out, Turkey Vultures had obviously
taken the site. This year we have both seen the
falcons at the site. Will they remain? There are at
least a dozen TUVUs hanging out north & south of the
site. I think the TUVUs are no match for PEFAs in a
fight, but those TUVUs are many & persistent.

Fred Lesher
LaCrosse, Wis.

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