[mou] Ivory-billed Woodpecker

SeEtta Moss seetta@msn.com
Fri, 29 Apr 2005 01:14:32 -0600

The American Birding Association president, Steve Runnels, is quoted in part 
on the Ivory-billed Woodpecker page of the ABA website as stating, "As 
birders, we recognize that the preservation of this species is far more 
important than adding it to our life lists."

I think it is incumbant on all birders to keep in mind the ABA Code of 
Ethics that states in part, " In any conflict of interest between birds and 
birders, the welfare of the birds and their environment comes first."

Many of us support the way in which this search was conducted, with the 
necessary secrecy to protect the bird and its habitat, as well as the 
restrictions on access to the area.  The bird(s) is more important than a 
check on someone's life list.

SeEtta Moss
Canon City, CO

>This was kept secret until the information could be verified and until 
>Nature Conservancy could purchase a lot more land in the area--I'm sure
>prices are going up today even as we speak, as the news spreads abroad.
>I think they dealt with this issue extremely well.  You're right that it
>wasn't a "birding" or even a scientific decision.  It was a 
>decision, keeping the best interests of the bird, not of hobbyists and
>profiteers who sell photos and videos, at center
>Laura Erickson
>Duluth, MN

> > Let me know if this is too off-topic for the MN list, but I was 
> > what
> > other's thoughts are on the release of this info.  What bothers me 
is how
> > secret this was kept -- why?  Why are there well-made videos 
available on
> > the
> > same day of the release?  Why wasn't the info released as it was 
> > It
> > all feels more political than scientific or birder-like to me.
> >
> > Don't get me wrong, I'm really excited about this -- the IBW has 
> > me
> > greatly ever since I was about 8 years old.  What wonderful news!