[mou] Fargo/Moorhead CBC

robert.oconnor@ndsu.edu robert.oconnor@ndsu.edu
Sun, 18 Dec 2005 10:40:57 -0600 (CST)


     With one of nine sections still to be reported, the preliminary
species total for Saturday’s Fargo/Moorhead CBC is 44.  Some of the
better birds included

            Cackling Gooose (2) (MN)
            Common Goldeneye (1) (MN)
            Ring-necked Duck (3--first ever) (MN)
            Redhead (1) (MN)
            Bald Eagle (1) (ND)
            Merlin (2) (ND)
            Golden-crowned Kinglet (3) (ND)
            Bohemian Waxwing (41) (MN)
            Northern Cardinal (1) (ND)
            American Tree Sparrow (2) (ND)
            White-throated Sparrow (1) (ND)
            Harris’s Sparrow (2) (MN)

Bob O’Connor
Moorhead, Clay Co., MN