[mou] Superior area birds

Jpcorrigan@aol.com Jpcorrigan@aol.com
Mon, 17 Jan 2005 08:28:13 EST

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On 1-15-05 a friend from Duluth and I saw 1 GGO at Wisconsin Point Park.

We then looked in the area south of Superior on county roads C, Z, Valley 
Brook Rd. and Lyman Lake Road and saw 3 GGO's.

Also on 1-15, my wife reported a robin eating at our feeder at our home in 
Hudson township.

On 1-16-05 in the morning we returned to the C-Z area and saw 11 GGO's.  
Later we saw 2 GGO's at Wisconsin Point.

These were our first GGO's.  We took many photos and some video

John Corrigan

Tim Ferch

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">On 1-15-05 a friend from Duluth and=
 I saw 1 GGO at Wisconsin Point Park.<BR>
We then looked in the area south of Superior on county roads C, Z, Valley Br=
ook Rd. and Lyman Lake Road and saw 3 GGO's.<BR>
Also on 1-15, my wife reported a robin eating at our feeder at our home in H=
udson township.<BR>
On 1-16-05 in the morning we returned to the C-Z area and saw 11 GGO's.&nbsp=
; Later we saw 2 GGO's at Wisconsin Point.<BR>
These were our first GGO's.&nbsp; We took many photos and some video<BR>
John Corrigan<BR>
Tim Ferch<BR>
