[mou] MRVAC - Southeast Minnesota - Field Trip Report - 1/24/05

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Tue, 25 Jan 2005 08:46:07 EST

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Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter
Southeast Minnesota
Field Trip Report
9 - participants
31 - species observed
Spring was in the air in Southern Minnesota on Monday.  We  observed small 
flocks of Horned Larks in several locations in Fillmore and  Houston County's, 
plus 3 Eastern Bluebirds along Houston CR 5 about 5 miles  East of town of 
Caledonia.  Northern Cardinals, Black-capped Chickadee's  and Tufted Titmice were 
in full song.  Including one Tufted Titmouse seen  and heard near a large 
feeding station along Houston CR 5, about 5 miles East of  the town of Caledonia.  
We missed on our try for the Varied Thrush reported in Rochester.  We  were 
there between 8:00 and 8:30am.  We were also unsuccessful in our  search for 
Golden Eagles along Houston CR 5.  Here are some of the species  observed by our 
@ Wild Turkey - 3:00 - 4:30pm - Houston CR 5 - Several flocks were observed  
between CR 23 & CR 31.
@ Rough-legged Hawk - 5 or 6 birds were seen in scattered locations in  
Olmsted, Fillmore and Houston Counties.  Including one Dark Morph bird in  
Rochester near the intersection of S. Broadway and 16th Ave. SW.
@ Northern Flicker - observed by a small portion of the group at the top of  
a bluff near the feeding station on Houston CR 5.
@ Horned Lark
@ Tufted Titmouse
@ Eastern Bluebird
@ Purple Finch
@ Pine Siskin

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<DIV>Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter</DIV>
<DIV>Southeast Minnesota</DIV>
<DIV>Field Trip Report</DIV>
<DIV>9 - participants</DIV>
<DIV>31 - species observed</DIV>
<DIV>Spring was in the air in Southern Minnesota on Monday.&nbsp;&nbsp;We=20
observed small flocks of Horned Larks in several locations in Fillmore and=20
Houston County's, plus 3 Eastern Bluebirds&nbsp;along Houston CR 5 about 5 m=
East of town of Caledonia.&nbsp; Northern Cardinals, Black-capped Chickadee'=
and Tufted Titmice were in full song.&nbsp; Including one Tufted Titmouse se=
and heard near a large feeding station along Houston CR 5, about 5 miles Eas=
t of=20
the town of Caledonia.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>We missed on our try for the Varied Thrush reported in Rochester.&nbsp;=
were there between 8:00 and 8:30am.&nbsp; We were also unsuccessful in our=20
search for Golden Eagles along Houston CR 5.&nbsp; Here are some of the spec=
observed by our group:</DIV>
<DIV>@ Wild Turkey - 3:00 - 4:30pm - Houston CR 5 - Several flocks were obse=
between CR&nbsp;23 &amp; CR 31.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Rough-legged Hawk - 5 or 6 birds were seen in scattered locations in=20
Olmsted, Fillmore and Houston Counties.&nbsp; Including one Dark Morph bird=20=
Rochester near the intersection of S. Broadway and 16th Ave. SW.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Northern Flicker - observed by a small portion of the group at the to=
p of=20
a bluff near the feeding station on Houston CR 5.</DIV>
<DIV>@ Horned Lark</DIV>
<DIV>@&nbsp;Tufted Titmouse</DIV>
<DIV>@ Eastern Bluebird</DIV>
<DIV>@ Purple Finch</DIV>
<DIV>@ Pine Siskin</DIV>
