[mou] North for Owls & others

Pastor Al PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Tue, 25 Jan 2005 09:22:57 -0600

Nathan & I headed north yesterday, covering portions of Duluth, Two Harbors,
Sax-Zim, Aitkin County and Kathio State Park (briefly).  Highlights included
a Boreal Owl, Northern Hawk Owls (7), Great Gray Owls (32), Northern Goshawk
and Black-billed (American?) Magpie (two life birds for Nathan, lifer and
two state birds for me).

Also significant were the misses:  Boreal Chickadee, Harlequin Ducks (in
Agate Bay the night before and early AM, according to observers), Evening
Grosbeaks, either Crossbill, more common owls.  Only heard a single Pine
Grosbeak (despite checking numerous feeders), saw one Gray Jay.

Uniquely, my year list includes Boreal - Northern Hawk - Great Gray -
Saw-whet Owls, but no Great Horned or Eastern Screech.  Interestingly, saw
more Great Grays than any other bird except Redpolls (which were mobbing
most feeder areas).

Thanks to Peder Svingen & the Cooks (sp?) for their assistance in Two

Good birding to all!

Al & Nathan Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties