[mou] YCNH (Dakota County)

Robert_Russell@fws.gov Robert_Russell@fws.gov
Fri, 1 Jul 2005 09:09:21 -0500

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A pair of Yellow-crowned Night Herons were flying low and slow over Rob=
Street in West St. Paul headed west late yesterday evening coming from =
general direction of the Pig's Eye Heronry on the Mississippi River.
Places to possibly check for this species might be Dodge Nature Center =
Thompson Park Lake in West St. Paul, Lily Lake just north of Butler St.=

where one occurred last year or view the western edge of the heronry fr=
the levee in South St. Paul.  I'll post again if I find the birds on th=
ground.  By the way there are no rookeries anymore in Minnesota.  Rooks=

live in rookeries and we don't have rooks in this state.  Bob Russell,
Dakota County=

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<p>A pair of Yellow-crowned Night Herons were flying low and slow over =
Roberts Street in West St. Paul headed west late yesterday evening comi=
ng from the general direction of the Pig's Eye Heronry on the Mississip=
pi River.  Places to possibly check for this species might be Dodge Nat=
ure Center and Thompson Park Lake in West St. Paul, Lily Lake just nort=
h of Butler St. where one occurred last year or view the western edge o=
f the heronry from the levee in South St. Paul.  I'll post again if I f=
ind the birds on the ground.  By the way there are no rookeries anymore=
 in Minnesota.  Rooks live in rookeries and we don't have rooks in this=
 state.  Bob Russell, Dakota County</body></html>=
