[mou] 400 species

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Tue, 12 Jul 2005 18:50:25 -0500

Congratulations, Bob.

Jim Williams

On Jul 12, 2005, at 6:46 PM, Josh Watson wrote:

Hello All,
I've really enjoyed haveing this white-winged dove at my house and=20
seeing everyones faces when they finally get to see it. But I have to=20
admit the best part about having it just happened less than ten minutes=20=

ago... and that was... seeing Bob Janssens face when he finally=20
discovered his 400 minnasota state bird. After Jerry Bonkoski and Paul=20=

Egeland saw it sometime around 2:00 or 2:30 pm I've been keeping an eye=20=

on the bird knowing Bob was only an hour on his way from the cities.=20
Fortunately it stade put from when Jerry and Paul saw it all the way=20
until Bob was able to see it around 6:15 pm and is actually still=20
roosting in the aspen trees along the barn. Between the time of 3 hours=20=

and 45 minutes or so that Jerry and Paul saw it to when=A0Bob saw=A0the=20=

bird it spent most of its time roosting in the aspen trees nearby but=20
did spend a good amount of time foraging beneath the gate of the horse=20=

pen. I'll continue to keep you posted.=A0Good birding.
Josh Watson
  Grand Marais=A0=A0

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