[mou] Yellow throated warbler

Craig cbird@nsatel.net
Mon, 6 Jun 2005 09:26:09 -0500

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I wasn't going to post this but, decide that we were confident enough in =
what we heard. =20

Yesterday morning my wife and I were conducting our breeding bird survey =
and on our second stop heard a warbler that we could not id at first.  I =
knew I had heard this bird before but, couldn't figure out what it was =
at first.=20
Once we got back in the car and started down the road to the next stop =
we played the cd of the warblers and when we got to yellow throated =
warbler it was identical to what we just heard.  Once we finished our =
survey route we went back in hopes of finding the warbler. =20
We were unable to locate it again.  This is why I wasn't sure if I =
should even post it since we never saw the bird only heard it but, =
thought maybe someone might wanna try for it anyways.

Here are the directions.  In Pine Co from the little community of Brook =
Park which is on Hwy 23 go south on co. rd. 13 for about 1 1/2 miles or =
so.  The road will curve to the east and then back to the south. On the =
second curve turn left or east on co. rd. 130.  Go 2 miles on 130 and =
the road will turn west after you turn west go 1/2 a mile and this is =
where we heard the bird. =20
Like I said we never saw the bird so I'm not 100% sure, but, then again =
I don't know what else would sound like a yellow throated warbler.
If anyone has questions let me know.

      Click here to email me =20

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<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" color=3D#000080>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" color=3D#000080>I wasn't going to post =
this but,=20
decide that we were confident enough in what we heard.&nbsp; =
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" color=3D#000080>Yesterday morning my =
wife and I=20
were conducting our breeding bird survey and on our second stop heard a =
that we could not id at first.&nbsp; I knew I had heard this bird before =
couldn't figure out what it was at first. </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" color=3D#000080>Once we got back in =
the car and=20
started down the road to the next stop we played the cd of the warblers =
and when=20
we got to yellow throated warbler it was identical to what we just =
Once we finished our survey route we went back in hopes of finding the=20
warbler.&nbsp; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" color=3D#000080>We were unable to =
locate it=20
again.&nbsp; This is why I wasn't sure if I should even post it since we =
saw the bird only heard it but, thought maybe someone might wanna try =
for it=20
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" color=3D#000080></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" color=3D#000080>Here are the =
directions.&nbsp; In=20
Pine Co from the little community of Brook Park which is on Hwy 23 go =
south on=20
co. rd. 13 for about 1 1/2 miles or so.&nbsp; The road will curve to the =
and then back to the south. On the second curve turn left or east on co. =
130.&nbsp; Go 2 miles on 130 and the road will turn west after you turn =
west go=20
1/2 a mile and this is where we heard the bird.&nbsp; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" color=3D#000080>Like I said we never =
saw the bird=20
so I'm not 100% sure, but, then again I don't know what else would sound =
like a=20
yellow throated warbler.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3D"Comic Sans MS" color=3D#000080>If anyone has =
questions let me=20
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      face=3D"COMIC SANS MS,ARIAL" color=3D#000000 size=3D3><BR><FONT=20
      size=3D1><BR><BR><BR><BR><A href=3D"mailto:cbird@nsatel.net"><FONT =

      face=3D"COMIC SANS MS,ARIAL" color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Click here =
to email=20
