[mou] On Eagles, a Merlin and a Mysterious Goose in Polk and Red Lake Co.

Shelley Steva crossbill7200@yahoo.com
Sat, 5 Mar 2005 10:26:19 -0800 (PST)

Went out looking for owls today- but struck out. I did
do all right otherwise-
-Golden Eagle (second in 7 days) found 2 miles south
of the intersection of MN Highway 92 and Polk Co 2;
- Bald Eagles- one by the Gully Fen also in Polk Co
             - another 5 miles north of the Pennington
               and Polk Co line along Pennington Co 24
- Merlin- A Richardson's "attacking" two Ravens 2 
          miles north of the Polk Co border also 
          along Pennington Co 24

AND FINALLY- a sole goose right by Milepost 56 on
Minnesota 1. I believe that it was a domestic goose
and not a snow goose for it did not have black tail
feathers  and I didn't think that it had a "grinning
mask".  If anyone is out and about and wants to check
out the goose he was right by the highway and was NOT
hard to see. I would sure like to know if I am right
or not.

Shelley Steva
Pennington Co.

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