[mou] Raptor center contribution

Fran Howard fjhoward@ix.netcom.com
Thu, 17 Mar 2005 06:03:59 -0600

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I=B9m in, too. We saw 63 Great Grays and 14 Hawk Owls on Kim Eckert=B9s January
trip for a total of 77 birds or $77.

Fran Howard

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<TITLE>Raptor center contribution</TITLE>
<FONT FACE=3D"Arial"><SPAN STYLE=3D'font-size:12.0px'>I&#8217;m in, too. We saw=
 63 Great Grays and 14 Hawk Owls on Kim Eckert&#8217;s January trip for a to=
tal of 77 birds or $77.<BR>
Fran Howard</SPAN></FONT>
