[Fwd: Re: [mou] finding mou money for owl rehab]

Ann and Manley Olson a_molson@unidial.com
Fri, 18 Mar 2005 19:39:02 -0600

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [mou] finding mou money for owl rehab
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 19:33:13 -0600
From: Ann and Manley Olson <a_molson@unidial.com>
Reply-To: a_molson@unidial.com
To: Jim Williams <two-jays@att.net>
References: <A7764A66-9709-11D9-97F5-000D934C33C2@att.net>

  I think that Jim's suggestions are great. Posting the listing 
supplement on the MOU web site is not only a money saver, but it would 
make it available to more birders.
The idea of not having color covers for the Loon and Newsletter  is also 
a good one. The logical birds for upcoming covers are Great Gray Owl and 
Hawk Owl, birds that lend themselves to black and white. There are also 
many other Minnesota birds whose portrayal would be authentic and 
attractive without color.

While I am sure that many MOU members would support these proposals, the 
decisions belong to the board and the editors. Having served on various 
boards, including many years on the MOU board, I know that not all good 
ideas can be implemented. However I join Jim in urging the board to give 
these suggestions careful consideration.

I also support proposals that all of us who saw owls make a contribution 
in recognition of the thrills and enjoyment the birds have given us. Ann 
and I are members of the Raptor Center but we are making an additional 
gift. When I see the magnitude of the spending reported by owl seekers 
and the number of trips some have made, I think that most of us can 
afford to Give A Hoot and help support the Raptor Center in this work.
Manley Olson

Jim Williams wrote:

> Mark Alt, MOU president, has generously agreed to put on the next 
> board meeting agenda a request for MOU funds for The Raptor Center, to 
> help pay for this winter's owl rehab work.
> In spite of having a large amount of money in the bank, finding this 
> money is not going to be easy for the board. Much of the MOU money is 
> dedicated or invested. There is a budget to consider, and the board's 
> responsibility to live within its plan for the year.
> If I may, here are some suggestions for finding a one-time 
> contribution to The Raptor Center that would not disrupt the budget 
> nor cause dedicated funds to be considered. (Since a major portion the 
> MOU's annual budget is devoted to publications, all of the suggestions 
> fall in that category.)
> 1. Forego printing the 2005 listing supplement. Publish it instead as 
> a pdf file on the MOU web site. This file would be available to all 
> who have interest, and could be downloaded and printed if birders want 
> a paper copy.  This would save perhaps a thousand dollars. The MOU is 
> making great progress at improving its web site. Adding the listing 
> summaries there would be another nice feature. Actually, this could be 
> done each year, allowing that large budget item to be used elsewhere. 
> (Those folks interested in listing totals who do not have internet 
> access -- and that has to be a very small number -- could ask the MOU 
> to provide a plain-paper copy to them; a small fee for this could 
> cover MOU copying and mailing costs.)
> 2. Forego color on the cover of the next issue of The Loon. Savings, I 
> believe, again would be about a thousand dollars. This would be a 
> thoughtful one-time gesture in memory of our best owling season ever.
> 3. A smaller amount could be saved by foregoing color on the cover of 
> the next issue of the newsletter.
> 4. If an Occasional Paper is in the 2005 budget, skip the paper this 
> year and give the money to the owl rehab needs.
> Jim Williams
> Wayzata
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