[mou] RFI - Gray Partridge

Sharon Stiteler sharonks@mn.rr.com
Mon, 21 Mar 2005 17:31:30 -0600

Someone posted privately to the person who asked the original question about
the partridge and informed him that gray partridge are extirpated from that
area.  I saw them as recently as October 2004.  I haven't been in the area
all winter (been distracted by owls) so did some big wipe out happen over
the winter?

Sharon Stiteler
Minneapolis, MN

on 3/21/05 3:16 PM, JELLISBIRD@aol.com at JELLISBIRD@aol.com wrote:

> Sharon,
>     I've been birding Dakota quite a lot the last three years and have not
> heard of that site for "Huns". I've probably driven by that site at least
> occasionally. I'm not sure how all the info gets around but I very much
> appreciate 
> your posting and directions,
>     John Ellis-St. Paul