[mou] Wetlands Rally

DryCementMixer@aol.com DryCementMixer@aol.com
Wed, 30 Mar 2005 07:17:14 EST

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Hi all 
I hate to dampen your enthusiasm for the rally but the chemicals they (DNR) 
paln to put into the water systems gives off benzene (it is 2% rotenone and the 
rest is solvent slike stuff from oil) and has been the subject of several 
artciles in the two twin cities newspapers. A friend lived near the one lake they 
did several months ago and had adverse health reactions as predicted.
So lets get our facts straight first.

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Hi all <BR>
I hate to dampen your enthusiasm for the rally but the chemicals they (DNR)=20=
paln to put into the water systems gives off benzene (it is 2% rotenone and=20=
the rest is solvent slike stuff from oil) and has been the subject of severa=
l artciles in the two twin cities newspapers. A friend lived near the one la=
ke they did several months ago and had adverse health reactions as predicted=
So lets get our facts straight first.<BR>
Carolyn </FONT></HTML>
