[mou] Westskyline Hawk Count-update 5/5 Largest Flight

Bjboreal@aol.com Bjboreal@aol.com
Fri, 6 May 2005 21:50:17 EDT

Westskyline Hawk Count has been up and running since 1 March.

The month of May has turn the numbers of raptor to above 20,000, which this 
counter did not think would happen. At the end of April, the count was just 
under 12,000. The weather and count the first few days of May were poor and did 
not look promising for any movement. The 4th the weather had turn and so came 
southwest winds, but all we saw was a small flight of 508 raptors. The next day 
(5/5) there was a front that move a sizable push of 1916 raptor before the 
rain had shut them down by noon.

With the past two days flights and weather coming in for the weekend I was 
hoping there would be a big flight. On the 6 May, Dave Carmen and I counted a 
record flight (latest large flight) in the counts nine year history. See below 
for the numbers.

Seen today included an adult light morph Swainson's Hawk, record flight of 
Sharp-shinned and Broad-winged hawk. There were several dark Broad-wings and an 
adult dark Red-tail. Most the red-tails were still adults. The immature flight 
should soon follow.
Also seen were Chimney Swifts, 585 Bonapart's Gulls, 36 White pelicans.

Below you can view today and this season's count which is up to date as of 6 
May. You may also view the count on a daily basis at "HAWKCOUNT. ORG" and 
look for West Skyline Hawk Count. 

I would like to thank the MOU committee's and Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory for 
funding the count this year.

West Skyline Hawk Count

Minnesota, USA

Daily Raptor Counts: May 06, 2005


Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total

------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------

Black Vulture                0              0              0

Turkey Vulture              67            144            722

Osprey                      47             91            185

Bald Eagle                  26             51           2820

Northern Harrier             1              2             35

Sharp-shinned Hawk         719           1219           2341

Cooper's Hawk               12             15             35

Northern Goshawk             0              0             10

Red-shouldered Hawk          0              0              4

Broad-winged Hawk         9206          11152          13072

Red-tailed Hawk             85            143           2587

Rough-legged Hawk            5              7            131

Golden Eagle                 1              1             47

American Kestrel             6             10             43

Merlin                       2              9             21

Peregrine Falcon             1              2              3

Unknown                      0              0              0

Swainson's Hawk              1              1              2

Total:                   10179          12847          22058


Observation start time: 08:00:00 

Observation end   time: 17:00:00 

Total observation time: 9 hours

Official Counter: Frank Nicoletti

Observers:        Dave Carman


Temps 51-63. N 5-10, turning NE5-10. Mostly sunny and clear
