[mou] 75+ Marbled Godwits in Duluth

psvingen@d.umn.edu psvingen@d.umn.edu
Sat, 21 May 2005 13:15:24 -0500

Late this morning (21 May), I watched a flock of at least 75 Marbled Godwits at 
Interstate Island in Duluth. It was difficult to get an exact count and more than 
75 may have been present. As far as I know, this represents the largest flock of 
Marbled Godwits ever found along the North Shore. Almost exactly one year ago, 17 
May 2004, I photographed a flock of 65 at the same location. Please the next 
(spring 2005) issue of The Loon for a note of interest on flocks of this species 
along the North Shore.
To reach this area, take the Port Terminal exit off the freeway and park near the 
boat ramp at the public boat launch across from the UPS building. Look for the 
island teeming with Ring-billed Gulls. As its name implies, a portion of this 
island lies in Wisconsin waters. The flock usually landed on the Wisconsin end of 
the island but they were repeatedly flushed by boat traffic and circled the island 
several times, calling vigorously. 
The Cackling Goose found by Tom Auer earlier this month was still present also.
Peder H. Svingen--psvingen@d.umn.edu--Duluth, MN