[mou] Sherburne Trip 6/4

Pastor Al Schirmacher PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Tue, 31 May 2005 10:07:02 -0500


Still have seven openings available on the MOU June 4th Sherburne NWR trip -
email me if you plan on coming.  Details follow.

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties

Sherburne NWR & Surrounding Areas (one day)
Leader: Al Schirmacher
Time: 7:30-12:00 AM, optional afternoon tour/hiking as well.
Where: Sherburne Wildlife Refuge & surrounding area. Meet at Mahnomen Trail.
Take 169 to Sherburne County 9, go west on 9 into Sherburne Refuge, follow
signs to the parking lot on the left (south) side of the road.
* We will intially walk Mahnomen Trail, looking for Lark & Vesper Sparrows,
warblers (10 nest in the area, plus there could be late migrants), vireos
and various woodland birds.
* From there we will proceed to the Auto Tour, driving & looking for nesting
Bald Eagles, Trumpeter Swans, grassland birds, waterfowl and related birds.
Last year two Upland Sandpipers and a single Black Cuckoo were present
during early to mid-June, but who knows?
* For those staying for the afternoon, we will lunch in Princeton.
* In the afternoon, we will walk Blue Hill Trail, known for a slightly
different warbler mix, including multiple nesting Golden-winged. Last year a
Chat was present for two weeks. Various hawks and an occasional raven also
work this area.
* We will finish the day with a driving tour of the area, which could
include a Lark Sparrow haven and/or the diversity around Ann Lake.
Would anticipate a trip list of ~ 80 species, weather & circumstances
permitting. Trip capacity of 20, please register in advance.