[mou] Duluth/Superior Entry update

Peder Svingen psvingen@d.umn.edu
Sun, 18 Sep 2005 20:29:15 -0500

The Superior Entry was observed all day today by various birders 
between 8:00 AM and 6:15 PM  (18 September). The juvenile Long-tailed 
Jaeger, one adult and one juvenile Sabine's Gulls, and the adult Arctic 
Tern reported by Mike Hendrickson in the AM were *not* refound the rest 
of the day. There were, however, several noteworthy sightings in the 
Surf Scoter (adult male) on both sides of the state line--2nd earliest 
Minnesota date;
jaeger sp. flew from MN waters into WI at 1230, wingspan similar to or 
slightly less than that of a Ring-billed Gull;
Lesser Black-backed Gull (adult/4th winter) spotted by Dedrick Benz on 
the Minnesota breakwall at 3:55 PM, flew towards Gull Bluff (Wisconsin) 
about an hour later;
Forster's Tern (1) plus 10 or more Common Terns;
Lesser Golden Plover (8) and Black-bellied Plover;
Whimbrel (1) on the Minnesota side only.

Other noteworthy sightings this weekend:
Cackling Geese (2) at Park Point Recreation Area 17 September (PHS);
Yellow-billed Cuckoo at Wisconsin Point 17 September (Dedrick Benz, 
Chris Hockema).
Peder H. Svingen--psvingen@d.umn.edu--Duluth, MN