[mou] Hawk Migration at Reno Microwave Tower, Hillside Rd., Houston Co.& more

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Mon, 19 Sep 2005 17:25:25 -0700 (PDT)

>From 12Noon to 3PM, 546 raptors as follow:

Turkey V.------------6
Bald E.--------------1(I)
N. Harrier-----------1(I or F)
Sharp-shinned H.-----9
Cooper's H.---------11
Broad-winged H.----510
Red-t. H.------------6
Am. Kestrel----------1

Mostly heavy overcast with alto-cumulus clouds moving
east fast & mare's tails high above also moving east
but slower than A-Cs. Winds West, 15-20mph gusting to
25 (judging from tree movement). 70 degrees rising to
74. Some Broad-winged Hawks were at the limits of
unaided eye, a few came low & fast. Kettles at one
time reached about 250 birds (Hard to count.) By 3PM
winds dropped & skies cleared somewhat. 

More: passerines etc. Hillside Rd. site couple hundred
yards north of entrance to upper Reno campground.

Chimney Swift
Ruby-thrtd.Hbird (Reno nursery house feeder)
E. Phoebe
swallows-numbers dwindling: mostly Tree S.
Tufted Titmouse---1
Carolina Wren-----1 (From parking lot off Hillside Rd.
at the base of the gated road up to the Reno Quarry.
This is a small, "new" parking lot at the big curve a
mile or so north of Reno.)
Yellow-thrtd. Vireo
Red-eyed V.
Magnolia W.
Blackpoll W.
Black-&-white W.
Am. Redstart
Scarlet T.
No. Cardinal
Rose-brstd. Grosbeak
White-thrtd. Sp.

Fred Lesher
LaCrosse, Wis.

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