[mou] Snowy Egret, Scott Co.

Ned Winters nwinters@isd.net
Tue, 25 Apr 2006 20:39:16 -0500

There is a somewhat elusive Snowy Egret in the freeway holding ponds in the
SE corner of Hwy 169/101 and Scott Co. Rd. 18 in Shakopee near the Savage
border. (5-C on page 473 of a Hudson Map Book)
The best and safest place to look is to park in the Sam's Club parking lot
and you can walk to the top of the berm to scan towards the freeway or walk
to the west behind Sam's and look in the flooded timber and ponds there. I
first saw the bird near a Great Egret yesterday while driving east on
169/101 about 4:30 PM, and again this morning about 10:15 in the same
general area. Yesterdays sighting I still had a touch of doubt, but this
morning the bright black bill on a very noticeably smaller bird confirmed
what I had seen.

Ned Winters
Hennepin Co.