[mou] Scott County Common Moorhen

Tom Nelson tomanelson@mac.com
Thu, 3 Aug 2006 11:05:51 -0500

At about 7:45am this morning, I found a Common Moorhen in 
Murphy-Hanrehan Park Reserve.    Over about 45 minutes, I observed the 
bird a few times as it walked, preened and fed along the edges of the 
cattails.    Least Bittern, Black-crowned Night Herons, and several 
shorebird species were also present.

A few years ago, Linda Felker posted these directions to the spot:
Directions:  The lake is located between markers 34 and 35 with the best
shorebird habitat on the west side closer to #34.  In the morning the
sun is at your back.  We took 185th St. to Natchez then turned right.
Natchez curves west to become 175th St. E.  Look for the Park
Boundary/No Motorized Vehicles sign that has a PATH by it.  Enter on
this path to another path and turn left (west).  Soon you will see a No
Snowmobile sign, turn right here.  Take this to the main path then turn
left.  It's just a short distance to the lake.

Tom Nelson
Ramsey County