[mou] Coon Rapids Juv. Coopers

Sandy Kuder fivekuders@yahoo.com
Thu, 3 Aug 2006 10:47:34 -0700 (PDT)

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Wednesday about noon, while walking the Sand Creek Trail, I heard some loud cries coming from a area of mature oaks opposite the trail on the other side of Sand Creek.
  Finally I saw a hawk with a bird in it's talons, on a horizontal limb.  I could hear another hawk calling/screaming/crying in the same vicinity.  Caught glimpses of them cruising through the woods in PAIRS!  One flew to a slender branch alongside the creek approximately 20-25 feet away at eye level.  AMAZING!   We checked each other out for 2,3 minutes.   I think they are Juvenile Cooper's Hawks.  Beautiful brown on the head and back.  White, white breast with  strong brown streaking.  Looked absolutely huge through my bins.
  I spent about an hour there listening and catching glimpses of them through the trees.
  When i got home, I listened to Peterson's Eastern Bird Songs, and these hawks sounded just like the Northern Goshawks.  ???????????
  The Sand Creek Trail segment was located:  just west of Olive Street. and 121st.  The closest cul-de-sac being 120th Avenue NW, off Sycamore. 
  Sandy Kuder
  Coon Rapids

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<DIV>Wednesday about noon, while walking the Sand Creek Trail, I heard some loud cries coming from a area of mature oaks opposite the trail on the other side of Sand Creek.</DIV>  <DIV>Finally I saw a hawk with a bird in it's talons, on a horizontal limb.&nbsp; I could hear another hawk calling/screaming/crying in the same vicinity.&nbsp; Caught glimpses of them cruising through the woods in PAIRS!&nbsp; One flew to a slender branch alongside the creek approximately 20-25 feet away at eye level.&nbsp; AMAZING!&nbsp;&nbsp; We checked each other out for&nbsp;2,3 minutes.&nbsp; &nbsp;I think they are Juvenile Cooper's Hawks.&nbsp; Beautiful brown on the head and back.&nbsp; White, white breast with&nbsp; strong brown streaking.&nbsp; Looked absolutely huge through my bins.</DIV>  <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>  <DIV>I spent about an hour there listening and catching glimpses of them through the trees.</DIV>  <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>  <DIV>When i got home, I listened to Peterson's Eastern Bird
 Songs, and these hawks sounded just like the Northern Goshawks.&nbsp; ???????????</DIV>  <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>  <DIV>The Sand Creek Trail segment was located:&nbsp; just west of Olive Street. and 121st.&nbsp; The closest cul-de-sac being 120th Avenue&nbsp;NW, off Sycamore.&nbsp;</DIV>  <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>  <DIV>Sandy Kuder</DIV>  <DIV>Coon Rapids</DIV>  <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>  <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>  <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV><p>&#32;__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com 