[mou] Western Kingbird and more

Steve Weston sweston2@comcast.net
Fri, 4 Aug 2006 00:02:06 -0500

Found an immature Western KIngbird today in Minnetrista in Hennepin County 
at the corner of Hwy 7 and   Oak Rd.

Yard birds on Quiggley Lake this weekend included:  Belted Kingfisher, 
Solitary Sandpiper, and Pileated Woodpecker.   One or more of the Barred 
Owls was whinning like an overgrown Screech Owl last night.   We had a group 
of 12 female and immature Wood Ducks.  If this was the hen and family that 
hatched out of one of my boxes, it appears that the whole brood fledged, 
which is an unusual success for our lake.  We also had a Mallard with 8 that 
appeared to be only a week old.

I spent a week at Scout Camp in Wisconsin recently, stopping at Crex Meadows 
on the way home.  Perhaps the best bird of the week was a Raven at Crex 
Meadows.  I know I haven't seen them there before.   The best bird 
experience for the kids was probably the three Pileateds that visited our 
campsite.  The calling loons and the half grown chick just off shore were 
with us the whole week and became common background.   Heard birds included 
the ethereal Wood Thrushes and a passing Sand Hill Crane.   The best bird 
experience for me was when an immature Eastern Kingbird begged by opening a 
bright red mouth.   At night the loons were backed by a chorus of the 
plunking banjos of the Green Frogs join by an occasional Bull Frog.

Steve Weston