[mou] Yellow & Chestnut-sided Songs

Julian Sellers JulianSellers@msn.com
Tue, 8 Aug 2006 12:46:12 -0500

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In a recent message, Al Schirmacher confessed to mistaking a =
Chestnut-sided Warbler's song for that of a Yellow Warbler.  Al, you are =
not alone.  I've heard it stated that the Yellow's song always ends on =
an up-slurred note.  It's probably true that an up-slurred ending =
indicates Yellow, but I've watched numerous Yellows singing and ending =
on a down-slurred note.  Can anyone out there distinguish with certainty =
which of these species is singing when the song ends with a downward =
slur in habitat where either could occur?  If so, can you explain how =
you do it?

Thank you.

St. Paul
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<DIV>In a recent message, Al Schirmacher confessed to mistaking a =
Warbler's song for that of a Yellow Warbler.&nbsp; Al, you are not =
I've heard it stated that the Yellow's song always ends on an up-slurred =

note.&nbsp; It's probably true that an up-slurred ending indicates =
Yellow, but=20
I've watched numerous Yellows singing and ending on a down-slurred=20
note.&nbsp;&nbsp;Can anyone out there&nbsp;distinguish with certainty =
which of=20
these species is singing when the song ends with a downward slur&nbsp;in =
where either could occur?&nbsp; If so, can you explain how you do =
<DIV>Thank you.</DIV>
<DIV>St. Paul</DIV></BODY></HTML>
