[mou] Aitkin County Hawk Owls and Snowy Owls

Warren Nelson wenelson@mlecmn.net
Sat, 04 Feb 2006 18:50:23 -0600

       Today I birded around the central part of the county and found a 
few interesting things;
        2 HAWK OWLS -- the first, on C.R.5, about one half mile south of 
hwy 232 near Palisade. The bird was in a tall spruce on the esst side of 
the road. The second, take C.R.56 (390th st) east for 2 miles to 350th 
ave., then go south for 4/10 th of a mile. The bird was sittng on a 
telephone pole.
        3 SNOWY OWLS-- the first, on C.R.1, about one and one half miles 
north of the diversion ditch bridge. The bird was sitting on a telephone 
pole. The second, along township 380 (450th st), about 2 miles west of 
C.R.5.  The bird was in a tree quite a ways to the north. The third, 
take 450th st. one mile west of C.R.5 to 310th ave., then north for 
about one mile. The bird was sitting on the ground one the west side of 
the road.
        Also seen: about 50 BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS one block west of the 
intersection of hwys 47 and 169 on the south side of Aitkin, 100 SNOW 
         Of interest, a few days ago I had a GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLET land 
on one of my platform feeders while I was filling it.  You get a pretty 
good look at a bird from one foot away.  It hung around the feeders and 
birdbath for about 15 minutes and then disappeared.   
         Warren Nelson