[mou] Today and tomorrow

SSMORTON ssstnnph@mvtvwireless.com
Fri, 24 Feb 2006 11:17:46 -0600

Well said.  The other thing that the MOU needs to do is use the =
listserve for its intended purpose.  Controversial conversations do need =
to take place, but the listserve is not a place to argue and do name =
calling.  I'm so tired of it, if I recognize a particular name, I delete =
it without reading.  Sue Morton, Cottonwood, Lyon County

----- Original Message -----=20
From: "Steve Morrison" <SMORRISON@ucare.org>
To: "MOU-Net" <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 10:04 AM
Subject: RE: [mou] Today and tomorrow

Mike doesn't know me but since this was all made public I feel it's okay
to comment.  Ban me if you will.
Ok, yeah Mike probably overreacted by threatening to step down and Mark
Alt probably overreacted by delivering his ultimatum.  I think things
could have been dealt with in a manner where the MOU didn't lose a
dedicated volunteer with some chutzpah and Mike didn't lose one (I
assume fun) outlet for his dedication to MN birding.
This got me to thinking about the MOU and my opinions concerning it.  As
is the case with any organization It does some things well and others
not so well. =20
The good things include:

* The basic birding info and a superb website
* An overall good "rare" bird list serve (see below)
* Decent selection of field trips
* Good publications

The poor things include:

* Handling it's image ( sorry people it comes off as a rather
stodgy, corporate, elitist organization)  Hey if I want to worry about
protocol all the time I can go to work.
* Being accepting of and encouraging non-expert birders (I've
heard people are reluctant to post as they are unsure of the worthiness
of their sighting).
* Being essentially a non-voice in the conservation arena-  (The
MOU doesn't have to and doesn't even want to be another Audubon but
glorifying driving buku miles to see buku birds in one year while being
silent on so many other things affecting MN birds is in my view
ethically questionable)

So I am disappointed because I think the MOU lost a good enthusiastic
trip leader.  I am also disappointed about the way leadership allegedly
handled things.  The MOU isn't corporate America and things would be
better if people put things in perspective, talked and patched things
up.  =20
Steve Morrison


From: mou-net-admin@cbs.umn.edu [mailto:mou-net-admin@cbs.umn.edu] On
Behalf Of jbaumann@usfamily.net
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 8:31 AM
To: MOU-Net
Subject: Re: [mou] Today and tomorrow

I think BOTH of you are behaving rather childishly.  If Mark is
threatened by Mike's threat, you are no different than two boys on a
playground - one blustering and one bullying - all because they can.

----- Original Message -----=20
From: Mike Hendrickson <mailto:smithville4@charter.net> =20
To: MOU-Net <mailto:mou-net@cbs.umn.edu> =20
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2006 12:54 AM
Subject: [mou] Today and tomorrow

Today I stood up for a friend name Leo Lantz who was banned from
the MOU-Net listserv for an honest mistake he made.  Leo since been
added back on the listserv and Leo credited me for doing so.  The MOU
president Mark Alt called me this morning and ask that I step down as
the MOU field trip position because I threaten to quit if Leo did not
get apology and put back on the listserv. I know that was immature of me
in doing so but I did not want to be part of an organization that
refuses to forgive people over simple mistakes such as the one Leo
committed.  Leo nor should anyone be place on a moderator's list because
the poster accidentally sent a non bird topic to the listserv.=20

I refused to quit and Mark gave me two options 1. go thru a
transition and step down quietly or 2) be immediately released.  I told
Mark " I am not quitting". So Mark Alt told me he is going to approach
the MOU board an advise them to remove me from my position. A few
minutes ago Mark Alt told me tonight he has basically removed me from my
position and as president he can do so - I guess.

So I am not the MOU field trip chairman anymore.  Remember 3 or
4 years ago all the MOU trips I created and how happy everyone was with
these trips?  All this was taken away from me because I stood up for a
friend.  Some say I am to emotional or to quick with my anger.  Maybe
they are right about that. I defend my friends, I am not afraid to speak
out on matters that mean a lot to me such as the logging going on in Sax
Zim Bog.  I am not afraid to speak out when others are spinning the
truth.  I call a spade a spade when I see one!  That is who I am.  I got
some emails today encouraging me to hang in there and some agreeing with
me.  I got an email from Rick Hoyme telling me to "grow up".  Maybe so
but not defending a friend who made an honest mistake and standing by
doing nothing is more grown up?  Should I act childish and rant and rave
to everyone about all the logging going on in Sax Zim Bog or should act
mature or " grown up" and hush up about what is going up there?

What now?

The Lake Superior Pelagic Trips belong to me and I will continue
to run these trips.  Mark Alt during our phone conversation agree that
if I get removed from the board these trips are mind to run and to
organized. All other trips are up in the air and I think Al Shirmacher
is going to replace me.  Al is a great guy and should do a great job for
the MOU and I ask that you all support him if he is asked by Mark Alt to
take that position. Mark was already talking to Al about field trips
after he phoned me and notified my future with the MOU.

Me?  Going to do what some of my critics have been telling me
-- " disappear" or " go away" and that is what I am going to do.

Michael Hendrickson
Duluth, Minnesota
Minnesota Birding Treks

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