[mou] RFI -- thanks for gyrfalcon information

Diana Pesek keesiemom@yahoo.com
Thu, 12 Jan 2006 06:20:58 -0800 (PST)

Thanks to those of you who gave me information about
the gyrfalcon and snowy owls near Minneapolis.

I will be traveling to the area on Saturday to look
for these birds, arriving mid-day and staying until I
see the birds (always hopeful!) or until dark. If
anyone sees them on Saturday and would like to call me
with location information, my cell phone is
319-560-8393. Likewise, if you  would like me to call
you if I find the snowys or the gyr, please send me a
private email with your cell phone number and I'll be
happy to get in touch. 

Diana Pesek
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

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