[mou] Re: [mnbird] Metro Birding

Ann and Manley Olson a_molson@unidial.com
Wed, 28 Jun 2006 06:12:37 -0500

While it would be encouraging to believe that changes on the wintering 
area has resulted in the increase of Dickcissels,I doubt that to be the 
case.The literature on Dickcissels is noted for comments about their 
fluctuation of numbers from year to year. That has certainly been my 
experience in over 50 years of birding in Minnesota and Western Wisconsin
Manley Olson
Falcon Heights

Steve Weston wrote:
> I am definitely seeing Dickcissels in larger numbers than I have ever 
> seen them before and in locations that I know that they have not been 
> in the last five or six years.  I believe the abundance of Dickcissels 
> is evidence that they are no longer being persecuted in southern South 
> America where they winter.
> On Sunday night I went down to Miesville Ravine in the evening 
> especially to find Whip-poor-wills.  They readilly answered my whistle 
> from across the Canon River.  Also we had several Wood Thrushes 
> calling from near the parking lot.   At the top of the hill to the 
> west of the ravine near the red farm building with white trim I found 
> a pair of Red-headed Woodpeckers.
> Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN
> sweston2@comcast.net
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