[mou] Backyard thrills

Thomas Maiello thomas@angelem.com
Mon, 01 May 2006 10:17:12 -0500

Just had to share the thrill I am having watching two nesting Brown 
Thrashers, numerous Robins, a Hermit Thrush, White-Throated Sparrows, 
Chickadees, Ruby-Crowned Kinglets, nesting Blue Jays, Grackles, House 
Finches, nesting Mourning Doves, Cardinals, Chipping Sparrows eat, 
bathe, drink, interact, dominate, antagonize, territorialize, submit, 
flit, and sing within 10 feet of my work desk outside my window and in 
my extensive garden .  I am sure most of them are also nesting but the 
pairs hold my attention and seem to interact with each other and others 
the most.  This is better than any movie, picture, or scenic vista I can 
imagine.  And soon the warblers and hummingbirds!  What a wonderful world!

Thomas Maiello
Spring Lake Park