[mou] Lake Byllesby

Leo leodwm@comcast.net
Fri, 05 May 2006 18:47:39 -0500

Hello all!
We went to Byllesby this freezing, windy morning on the hunt for 
shorebirds. Tons of swallows flew over the lake. Cliff swallows were 
everywhere. We didn't see much, but then Jim Mattsson showed up and 
helped us out. We spotted a Sanderling at the other side of the lake 
from the regular lookout spot beyond the parking lot. There was a single 
Dunlin, Semipalmated Plover, and Pectoral Sandpiper hunting around. 
Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers were running around. We spotted two 
Caspian Terns, (There might have been more) and many /Forster's /Terns, 
thanks to some IDing by Mattsson.
 After that, we stopped by 180th St. to look around... Not much was 
there. A big group of shorebirds flew off over us, but we didn't catch 
'em in time. No Snowy Egrets that we could spot.

Anyways, it was a bone-chilling great morning! Thanks again Jim for 
helping us out as we stared a bunch of look-a-like peeps!

- Leo WM.