[mou] Please help a newbie

Jim Campbell jrcampbe@visi.com
Sun, 07 May 2006 23:06:35 -0500

Hi everyone,

My girlfriend and I went down to find the Little Blue Heron in the Byllesby 
area a couple weeks ago. We found it -- it was very exciting!

We drove around the area trying to find the other locations people keep 
referring to: 180th street, 140th street, and the "west end" of the lake. 
We parked along the county road that turns south on the west edge of the 
lake and walked through a big hay field to get to the lake and found a 
bunch of pelicans and a couple of common terns.

Can someone please give me more exact directions to these locations? We'd 
like to go down there in the next couple of days to find the curlew. Where 
is this parking lot on the west end of the lake?

Is a scope going to be necessary? I don't own one yet, but hope to be 
getting one (finally) in the next couple of weeks.

We live very close to the Wood Lake site, and have just "discovered" it. 
I'd love to hear any advice to help me find more birds in there!

Thanks in advance!
